America’s Change Maker: The Leader

Featuring Jodie, CEO of Nexus Circular

Welcome back to the inspiring world of Nexus Circular, where groundbreaking innovation and sustainability converge to reshape the plastics industry. In this final edition of our series, “America’s Change Makers,” we turn the spotlight to Jodie, the dynamic CEO of Nexus Circular. With a passion for making new things and a drive to create a more sustainable future, Jodie leads the charge in transforming used plastics into valuable resources. Join us as we delve into Jodie’s remarkable story, fueled by her love for manufacturing and her dedication to driving change.

“I love manufacturing. I’ve done manufacturing for 35 years. It’s the best thing that you can do, right? You create amazing jobs, and you give people opportunities, they take that back to their communities, and the communities prosper as a result.” – Jodie, CEO of Nexus Circular

From Manufacturing to Circular Innovation

Jodie’s journey is rooted in her deep love for manufacturing. With over three decades of experience, she understands the transformative power of creating jobs and fostering prosperity within communities. However, her vision extends beyond traditional manufacturing as she now leads Nexus Circular, an advanced recycling company focused on converting used plastics into reusable materials.

“At our base, we’re a manufacturing company. But Nexus Circular is an advanced recycling company, which simply means that we take used plastics and we convert them back into a product that can be made into plastics, again and again, making something increasingly circular.” – Jodie, CEO of Nexus Circular

As CEO, Jodie is at the forefront of commercializing technology that can fundamentally shift the way we approach how plastics are both produced and managed. She is on the leading edge of a paradigm shift to a circular economy where plastic is reused instead of discarded, benefiting both the environment and our society.

“It is phenomenally good for the environment to take post-use plastic and put it into a form that can be converted back into plastic.” – Jodie, CEO of Nexus Circular

Harnessing the Power of Plastic

Jodie recognizes the vital role plastic plays in our society and its potential for sustainability. Plastic enables lightweight cars, extends the shelf life of food, and keeps medicine sterile. However, she emphasizes the importance of reusing plastic and of changing how it is currently managed in order to unlock the full potential of plastic.

“We have to help people understand that there’s a way to take that natural resource and use it over and over and over again. And once we consistently do that, then we can use plastic for all the amazing ways that it’s valuable to the world but not have this plastic waste problem that we have today.” – Jodie, CEO of Nexus Circular

Nexus Circular focuses on recycling one of the most abundant types of plastic: film. By optimizing the pyrolysis process, Jodie’s team has developed a solution to recycle film and other flexible packaging formats that are not widely recycled today. Their innovative approach turns post-use plastics into a form that can be converted back into plastic, contributing to a more sustainable future.

“Plastic is this really cool molecule… We’re taking a waste product and converting it into our liquid gold.” – Jodie, CEO of Nexus Circular

Shaping a Sustainable Future

Jodie’s passion for manufacturing and creating positive change resonates throughout Nexus Circular. By transforming used plastics into valuable resources, Jodie and her team are building a future where sustainability and progress go hand in hand. Their commitment to environmental impact drives them to continually evolve their technology and expand their global influence.

“I get to do what I love, which is manufacturing, and at the same time, make a big impact on the environment. It’s a win-win.” – Jodie, CEO of Nexus Circular

As we wrap up this series of “America’s Change Makers,” we applaud Jodie’s exceptional leadership in the pursuit of a more sustainable future. Her unwavering dedication and leadership have set the bar high for Change Makers everywhere. We also extend our deepest gratitude to both Jeff and Eric for their founding roles in Nexus Circular where they converged innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility. By pushing the boundaries of what is possible in plastic recycling, Nexus Circular is paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

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Jodie Morgan


Jodie Morgan


Jodie brings over 30 years of manufacturing leadership experience, having built and led 5 companies as CEO/President and 3 of those companies with an ESG focus.

Prior to joining Nexus Circular, Jodie served as the CEO of GreenMantra Technologies, a privately-held early- stage advanced recycler of waste plastics to specialty waxes. Previously, she was President of Pinova, a PE-backed manufacturer of specialty chemicals from renewable resources.

Currently she serves on the board of Bartek Ingredients and Nexus Circular and has previously served on the board of NanoXplore (TSX), Pinova Holdings, and Getec Industrial S/A

Jodie earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Delaware and holds an MBA in Finance from West Chester University of Pennsylvania.